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Rank testing is a way to bring focus to your training and raise your skills. We encourage engaging in the ranking process. But we also understand that not everyone is interested in testing. It’s okay if you just enjoy training for its own sake.

Ranking is awarded through formal examination. There are 6 ranks leading to black belt called kyu starting with 6th kyu and counting backward up to 1st kyu. After 1st kyu you begin preparation for shodan (1st degree black belt).

Preparing for Examination

  1. As you approach the required number of training days for your test advise Sensei of your intention to test.
  2. Familiarize yourself with your exam requirements so that you recognize the material when it is covered in class.
  3. Practice your test requirements regularly on your own.
  4. Train consistently at the dojo in the weeks leading up to your exam.
  5. As you get prepared we will set a date for your exam.

Prior to Exam Day

  1. Submit a completed and signed test application form along with payment.
  2. Arrange a partner, near in rank to you if possible, to serve as your uke. When testing 4th kyu and higher you will need more than one uke.
  3. Be fully prepared to show each technique from your current exam requirements and all techniques from previous exams.

Test requirements

Aikido Grading Requirements (pdf)
6th Kyu Video Study Guide
Aiki Toho Iaido Grading Requirements (pdf)
Kyu Rank Application (pdf)
Dan Rank Application (pdf)



Aikido Basics (pdf)
Aikido Glossary (pdf)
Aikido Technical Outline(pdf)
Japanese Anatomy Terms (pdf)
Aiki Toho Iaido Basic Forms (pdf)