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Aiki Toho Iaido

Iaido (ee-ai-doe) is the art of drawing and cutting with the Japanese sword or katana.

Training in iaido cultivates a calm, peaceful mind while maintaining focus and awareness. The essence of iaido is drawing, cutting and resheathing the sword with the utmost in efficiency. The study of iaido is closely allied with aikido in both form and manner.

Aiki Toho Iaido was developed by Shoji Nishio Shihan. This study of iaido directly relates to Aikido. Studying this method provides a deep understanding into the principles of both sword and the empty hand practice of Aikido.

Iaido classes are:

Friday 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Saturday 8:30 – 9:00 AM

To train in iaido (Japanese sword) you can begin by using a wooden sword (bokken) from the dojo. At some point you may want to get a training sword (iaito) which is a non-sharp sword. When you’re ready to get a sword we recommend Tozando.


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